Selected manufacturers
Maintaining high quality and brand development require careful selection of factories and control of their products.Checking certificates and determining recipients - these are pre-audit activities. The machine park, production and control processes are verified. Product tests are carried out in the presence of an SRLine representative and their results evaluated. Depending on the assortment, geometric measurements, strength tests, examination of the composition of materials and their strength are carried out in accordance with the specification.
In the next stage, the parts are tested in road conditions in Poland, Polcar employees and selected clients willingly participate in them.
Along with the first delivery, random checks of randomly offered newly offered parts are carried out. In addition, before giving the name "Selected" and introducing to the SRLine brand, for a period of 12-24 months they undergo a trial sale in the Polcar offer, for double and wide quality verification.
Product Managers of the SRLine brand treat potential production sites as a source for discovering the first assembly quality of car parts for SRLine customers. They travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers annually, visit dozens of factories and production lines, participate in tests to constantly provide products from proven and best factories.